10am-10:50 am
SPAN 3070. Community Engagement in Spanish-Speaking Charlottesville.
Place: Language Commons, New Cabell Hall 298
If you want to be present, please email to Esther Poveda, mp8yk at
11:30am-12:45pm .
LUNCH open to all to meet and greet Sara Curruchich and Maria Chavalan.
Place: Language Commons, New Cabell Hall 298
If you want to be present, please email to
Lean Sweeney, ls3kp at
1:00pm - 1:50pm
HILA 3021. Human Rights in Latin America.
Place: Nau Hall 211
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Screening of Sara Curruchich's film “Desde Nuestro Muxu’x" (Within Muxu'x) following with "
Dinner with Students".
Place: Casa Bolivar, 1408 Jefferson Park Ave. Charlottesville.
If you want to be present, please email to Nieves Garcia Prados,.
mdg4xf at
"Sara Curruchich Reception as Ruffin Distinguished Artist-in-Residence"
Art community of the university and Charlottesville welcome Sara Curruchich. A Departmental visit and a lunch reception will be included.
Place: Department of Art, 219 Ruffin Hall.
"Making Noise with Sara Curruchich"
The musical community of the university and Charlottesville welcomes Sara Curruchich and the 3 members of her group: Natalia Miranda Pavlovich, Sandra Yaneth Moreno and Karla Patricia Gomez Ortiz.
Place: Music Library, Cabell Dr L001, Charlottesville.
1:00pm-3:00 pm
Workshop with students ”A Conversation with Sara Curruchich: Indigenous Arts and Activism”
Place: Harrison Small Auditorium
This informal gathering will be for UVA students and the general community so that they can interact personally with Sara in an environment reminiscent of a native circle. Lunch will be available for the workshop participants.
Teresa Pollak, a citizen of the Monacan Nation, will offer a “Welcome to Country” and a land acknowledgment in a small ceremony outside the Harrison/Small building at the beginning of the gathering.
Inside in the Auditorium of the Harrison Institute, the room will be set up to provide the ambience of an indigenous gathering circle in a way that negates the present auditorium feel of a colonizer lecture hall. A central inner circle for the featured guests will be surrounded by another circle of chairs inviting the audience to join the conversation. In the inner circle
Teresa Pollak (the Monacan Nation), Kody W Grant ,
UVA tribal liaison, (Pueblo of Isleta and Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians),
Federico Cuatlacuatl, UVA assistant professor (Indigenous artist born in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico) Sara Curruchich (Kaqchikel) and Eleanor Unsworth (WINGS Guatemala) as the facilitator will be seated.
A central inner circle for the featured ones will be surrounded by another circle of chairs inviting the audience to join the conversation.
Everybody will speak in their own words and Sara will contribute with her own music. We will welcome questions in English, Spanish, and Kaqchikel. Class groups, people from the community and individual students are welcome.
If you would like to participate, please email Miguel Valladares,
mav4n at
In 2016 Sara Curruchich released the song "Ralk’wal Ulew" (Sons and Daughters of the Earth) (Hijas e Hijos de la tierra)”, with a video by the documentarian Pamela Yates [left]. The song was included in Yates' film 500 Years, and it shared the film's aim of telling the story of the uprising against Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina.
A documental (25 minutes) directed by Juan Pablo Rojas, Mexico, Guatemala, 2019
"Through roads, lakes and volcanoes, the tour, Raíz, by Mayan singer-songwriter Sara Curruchich, crosses Guatemala to bring her music to remote communities. The meeting represents an opportunity for dialogue, resilience and empowerment for Guatemalan youth and women".
We have the Public Performance Rights (PPR) to publicly show this documentary in the University of Virginia (classes, student organization, collective or individul events, etc) until February 23.
Email us to obtain the apropiate paassword
In 2017 she released the single "Ser del Viento", which featured the Guatemalan rapper Kontra. The music video made for the song, directed and produced by Daniel García, with photographic direction by Juan Diego Quezada. This video shows the differences between life in urban and rural communities in Guatemala.
"According to the World Bank, Guatemala has one of the worst rates of inequality in Latin America, with a few incredibly wealthy families in the capital and millions of poor campesinos, as well as some of the worst malnutrition, poverty and maternal-child mortality rates, particularly in rural and indigenous areas. “Ser del Viento” raises the possibility of a younger generation working together for a brighter future, breaking down the barriers that have existed between different communities."
Guy, Jack. "Sara Curruchich, The Voice of Indigenous Resistance in Guatemala" Sounds and Colours 08 May, 2017