Wednesday, February 21, 2024


3:00pm - 7pm [5:30 pm dinner]
Place: Visible Records , 1740 Broadway St, Charlottesville

Community events in Charlottesville.
Federico Cuatlacuatl will lead a community gathering at Visible Records, inviting local communities to a public discussion on indigeneity and immigration with Sara Curruchich.
In addition to Sara Curruchich, Ingrid Ramos, Bienestar & Resilience Programs Director at The Women's Initiative, Maria Chavalan and members of Sin Barreras will be present.

Our Goal

This event is conceived as an opportunity to build stronger ties with our neighboring communities, allowing our UVA communities to hold space and communality, honoring the spirit of Sara's work. Public and free programs during this event will invite community, building more intentional social engagements and community impact The goal for this project is to amplify the current efforts and visibility of Indigenous arts nationally and internationally. Our current times demonstrate a new wave of contemporary indigenous arts leading some of the most prestigious performances, visual arts, and interdisciplinary artistic endeavors.

Sara's speech upon receiving the MTV Transforma MIAW Award 2021.

"Llegar aquí hoy representa caminar con mis hermanas en contra de un sistema racista y patriarcal que nos violenta, nos oprime y asesina. Dedico este reconocimiento a las ancestras, niñas, y mujeres diversas de todos los territorios. Por aquellas que no están ahora con nosotras, víctimas de genocidio y feminicidio, estamos de pie exigiendo justicia. Estamos aquí y estaremos cada vez con más fuerza. Que cese la criminalización en contra las mujeres perseguidas por levantar la voz por nuestros derechos, nuestros cuerpos y nuestra tierra. Que el arte y la música sean uno de los caminos para seguir en la lucha”

“Coming here today represents walking with my sisters against a racist and patriarchal system that violates us, oppresses us and murders us. I dedicate this recognition to the ancestors, girls, and diverse women of all territories. For those who are not with us now, victims of genocide and feminicide, we are standing demanding justice. We are here and we will be even stronger. Let the criminalization of women persecuted for raising their voices for our rights, our bodies and our land stop. "May art and music be one of the paths to continue in the fight"


Curruchich’s 2019 debut album, Somos, and 2021’s Mujer Indígena center demands for dignity and respect for Indigenous women around the world; her anthems proclaim hope and make it feel possible for me to believe in a different kind of future. As the band chant on the title track of Somos: “Somos vida, somos la historia y canción / Somos las venas de la tierra / La humanidad sin fronteras” (“We are life, we are the story and the song / We are the veins of the earth / Humanity without borders”).
Johnson, Catalina Maria Sara Curruchich sings Mayan anthems for times of resistance and struggle , Chicago Reader. Chicago’s alternative nonprofit newsroom. August 23, 2023.

"Junam" from "Mujer indigena".

“Defendemos y resistimos también desde nuestros idiomas. Ellos son una muestra hermosa y potente de conocimientos de los pueblos. Cantar en kaqchikel también es una forma de transgredir la prohibición que reproduce el sistema y las estructuras racistas que busca constantemente que desaparezcan”

"We defend and resist also from our languages. They are a beautiful and powerful example of the people's knowledge. Singing in Kaqchikel is also a way of transgressing the prohibition that reproduces the racist system and structures that it constantly seeks to disappear.”

Cruz, Keneth “Mujer indígena”: el nuevo álbum de Sara Curruchich Prensa Libre, Periódico lider de Guatemala. October, 22, 2021.


“Pueblos es una canción dirigida a las grandes movilizaciones que han tenido los pueblos indígenas durante muchos años y durante muchos tiempos, a esta digna resistencia que mantienen”, dijo Sara a Noticias ONU en la que identificó al racismo como la causa de fondo de las injusticias y desigualdades que sufren esas comunidades y planteó la necesidad de refundar a los Estados y sus instituciones para que acabar con ese lastre.

“Pueblos is a song addressed to the great mobilizations that indigenous peoples have had for many years and for many times, to this worthy resistance that they maintain,” Sara told UN News in which she identified racism as the underlying cause of the injustices and inequalities suffered by these communities and raised the need to refound the States and their institutions to put an end to this burden.

Garcia, Carla Las injusticias que viven los pueblos indígenas se relacionan con una herencia colonial: el racismo Conexión Paraguay , May 20, 2023.

Interview with Sara . Audio Credit: Carla García. 11' 38". August 9, 2021. United Nations.


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